
Early Signs of Breast Cancer.

In over 100 countries, Breast cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer amongst womens. It is the most diagnosed cancer amongst women with 2.1 million cases each year. This disease becomes incurable when it spreads to other parts of the body like the brain, liver, lungs etc. Metastatic Breast Cancer is the most advanced stage of Breast Cancer and it occurs when cancer spreads to the body parts and this is the stage where this disease becomes incurable. However, this stage of disease is still treated with the aim to prolong the life of the patient having Breast Cancer.  

Therefore, it becomes very important to trace the signs or the symptoms of this disease beforehand and get treatment rather than ignoring and making the situation incured.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Due to many biological factors, different people have different kinds of symptoms. The worse part is that no symptoms or signs of this disease appear in some people. However, this symptoms could be the warning signs of Breast cancer:-

  • Fresh lump in the breast or the armpit.
  • Swelling of breast.
  • Thickening of any part of the breast.
  • Irritation near the breast area.
  • Redness or dry skin in the nipple area. 
  • Severe pain in the nipple area.
  • Blood or other than breast milk discharge from the nipple. 
  • Traceable change in shape or size of the breast.

These symptoms or changes could be of any other condition as well, other than Breast Cancer. But, if you suffer from any of these symptoms, make sure to visit Doctor.

What is Normal Breast ?

Every breast is unique in its own way. The size and shape which can be normal for you may differ for other women. Many women say they feel lumpy and uneven near their breast area. The way your breast looks may differ due to factors like period, pregnancy, dieting or weight gain. Breast may change their shape with increase in age. For other Queries and more details. Visit Breast Health : National Cancer Institute. 

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Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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